Speech Therapist in Jaipur
Speech Therapist In Jaipur - Speech is the primary means of human communication, speech therapists (also called speech-language pathologists or SLPs) assist people in developing or recovering their ability to speak, to understand spoken and written language, and to produce clear speech. What Is Speech Therapy- Speech therapy is the assessment and treatment of communication problems and speech disorders. A speech language pathologist (SLP), also sometimes called a speech therapist, is a person qualified by a master's degree in communication disorders, and by state-required certification and/or licensure to evaluate and treat people with Best speech Therapist iN jaipur , language, voice, and fluency disorders. The goal of speech therapy is to improve an individual’s ability to communicate. Speech therapists use a variety of proven techniques to help people of all ages overcome challenges related to speech and language disorders. Treatment typically begins with an assessment by a s...